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Archie Comics анонсировали кроссовер Соника с Мегаменом

Archie Comics выпустили пресс-релиз, официально подтверждающий кроссовер Соника с Мегаменом. История будет состоять из 12 выпусков и свяжет текущие серии комиксов обоих персонажей: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG , MEGA MAN и SONIC UNIVERSE . Дата выхода пока неизвестна, но кроссовер будет доступен как в печатном, так и цифровом виде. Оригинальный текст пресс-релиза можно посмотреть в полной версии новости.

Kotaku и Destructoid опубликовали несколько артов по кроссоверу. На первом сайте также можно прочитать интервью со сценаристом Яном Флинном, раскрывающее некоторые подробности. Так, Capcom и SEGA довольно быстро пошли на сотрудничество. Они уже просмотрели весь сценарий и одобрили его. Видимо, вспоминая игру Sonic the Hedgehog 2006-го года, журналист решил спросить, не будет ли в комиксе сцен поцелуев между людьми/зверями. К счастью, ответ был отрицательным, хотя Ян пошутил о романе между Эми и Вайли.

Archie Sonic and Mega Man Crossover Archie Sonic and Mega Man Crossover

Archie Sonic and Mega Man Crossover - Heroes Collide Archie Sonic and Mega Man Crossover - Proto Man and Knuckles Archie Sonic and Mega Man Crossover - Bass and Shadow Archie Sonic and Mega Man Crossover - Rivals Collide

The comic book event marks the first time the two legendary video game characters have crossed over, making it a landmark meeting for comic book and gaming fans around the world. The story will be written by best-selling and longtime SONIC THE HEDGEHOG and MEGA MAN writer Ian Flynn and will feature cover art by superstar artist Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante, who illustrated the hit SONIC: GENESIS storyline and the highly-successful MEGA MAN comic book launch.

“This is a historic moment for not only Sonic and Mega Man, but for Archie,” said Archie Comics Co-CEO Jon Goldwater. “We’ve had a long, fruitful history with Sonic and are enjoying great success with Mega Man in all our markets. Bringing these characters together was something we’ve been hoping for since we got both licenses, so this is very much a dream come true for the company.”

The crossover, spearheaded by Archie’s Executive Director of Editorial Paul Kaminski, will be a universe-spanning tale that involves not only the legendary characters, but their expansive and diverse supporting casts and villains for a tale that’s certain to go down as one of the most acclaimed and best-selling comic crossovers ever.

The 12-part storyline will run through the ongoing SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, MEGA MAN and SONIC UNIVERSE titles and be available in print and digitally.

“We’ve been gearing up for this for years,” said Kaminski. “From the moment we had Mega Man at Archie, we knew we wanted to bring Sonic and the Blue Bomber together. It’s a big budget movie featuring two of the most storied video game franchises. This has never happened before. We’re making history here, and it’s going to knock people for a loop. This is what comics are all about – drama, fun, action and tons of surprises. Fans will not be disappointed.”

2 комментария

this so cool their worlds coming together and how it will be in a comic book they each have their special things mega man his helmet that puts him in a digital world and sonic his sneakers that help him go at sonic speed. ;)
AWWW WHAT Dr.Eggman and professor Willey ARE STILL HERE COME OOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(